
First of all, Thank you so much for purchasing this project and for being my loyal customer. You are awesome!
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ExtremeLab is an integrated website and mobile application to manage the medical analysis laboratories system, as it fulfills all the needs of medical laboratories from all their professional aspects, as it allows the users of the system the results of medical analyzes and facilitates communication and cooperation between laboratory employees and extracts all the required reports from the laboratory. Patients can follow up test reports, lab branches, and submit a home visit request.

Technologies Used

  1. Laravel framework version 7
  2. HTML , CSS , Javascript , JQUERY (Website)
  3. React Native ( Mobile )
  4. Google Maps
  5. Twilio SMS Gateway

Local installation

Online Installation


you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:

  • PHP >= 7.2.5
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

let's start installing our ExtremeLab project on server

Mobile Installation Guide


You will need to make sure your PC have the following requirements:

  • nodejs 10 or above
  • React Native 0.63.2
  • Android Studio IDE
  • Xcode IDE
  • Customization

    API URL - replace the word [YOUR_DOMAIN] with your domain

  • Run Mobile Application on Local development environment

    • For build Android

      • cd [RN_PROJECT]
      • $ npm install
      • $ cd android
      • $ ./gradlew clean
      • $ ./gradlew assembleRelease && react-native run-android --variant=release
    • For build IOS

      • cd [RN_PROJECT]
      • $ npm install
      • $ cd ios
      • $ pod install
      • $ xcodebuild clean archive -workspace [YOUR_RN_PROJECT]/ios/[YOUR_APP_NAME].xcworkspace -scheme [APP_NAME] -archivePath [ARCHIVE_PATH]/[ARCHIVE_NAME].xcarchive | xcpretty
  • Notes

    • [RN_PROJECT] is the path of ExtremeLab project
    • [APP_NAME] is ExtremeLab
    • [ARCHIVE_PATH] is the path of archive where to save IPA file
    • [ARCHIVE_NAME] the name of IPA (By default is the same as APP_NAME)


Website Demo:


Mobile Demo:

Settings Guide

  1. let's now start setting up lab main information

  2. second you have to change mail setting and mail templates

  3. You can change the report default format

  4. You can set up Twilio api for sending sms notifications to patient and notifications format

  5. You can change whatsapp messages template for sending receipt and report as links

Website Features

We made the project flexible so that it could cover most of the needs in the field of medical analysis laboratories

  1. Dashboard
    Statistics about the things that the laboratory manager needs to know

  2. Profile
    If the user wants to change his personal data or password

  3. Branch
    The advantage of adding multiple branches

  4. Tests & Cultures
    You can change tests , cultures and antibiotics medical information

  5. Doctors
    You can manage doctors information that you deal with them

  6. Price list
    You can manage tests and cultures prices

  7. Contract
    Manage contracts with institutions or companies in the form of a discount

  8. Home Visit
    Manage patient home visit request and schedule

  9. Group Test
    Manage patient tests and cultures and print pdf receipt

  10. Receipt
    Print patient receipt

  11. Reports
    Manage tests and cultures reports

  12. Test Report
    Generate beautifull tests report

  13. Internal Chat System

  14. Manage Expenses

  15. Accounting report
    Generate accounting report based on all variables

  16. Roles
    Manage system roles and permissions

  17. Users
    Manage system users roles and permissions

  18. Translation
    Manage translations

  19. System logs
    Track all system users and the actions they take

  20. Database Backup

  21. Patient Dashboard

  22. Patient Profile
    Patient can change his personal information

  23. Patient Report
    Patient can follow up and print his receipt and tests report

  24. Tests library
    Patient can view the medical analysis information and make sure of the precautions required for each analysis before going to take the sample

  25. Home Visit
    Patient can request for home visit

  26. Branches

Mobile Features

Extreme Lab is cross platform mobile application that implemented by React Native

Extreme Lab support Android and IOS & multi languages

  1. Splash Screen

  2. Multi language support

  3. Signin

  4. Forget code

  5. Create new account

  6. Dashboard Screen

    It contains some statistics of Test count with status

  7. Tests Screen contains test filter with status

    • Total tests
    • Completed tests
    • Pending tests

    Each card in the Tests screen contain metadata about the test and receipt & test report

  8. Branches Screen

    It contains information about each lab you can call branch and show its location on map

  9. Home Visit Screen

    You can submit home visit with patient data and prescription

  10. Profile Screen

    You can update your profile data


Version 2.6 ( 06-10-2021 )
- Added a new feature in the settings to upload a report header , watermark , footer as image .

How to install the update ?

Replace files in the following paths:
- App\Http\Controllers\Admin\UpdatesController.php
- App\Http\Requests\Admin\ReportsSettingsRequest.php
- App\Http\Controllers\Admin\SettingsController.php
- resources\views\layouts\pdf.blade.php
- resources\views\admin\settings\index.blade.php
- Open your browser on "your-domain"/update/2.6

Version 2.5 ( 17-08-2021 )
- Fixed API patient code bug

How to install the update ?

Replace file in the following path:
- app\http\controllers\auth\ApiController.php

Version 2.4 ( 01-07-2021 )
- Fixed email settings bug

How to install the update ?

Replace file in the following path:
- routes/admin.php

Upload new file in the following path:
- app\http\controllers\Admin

Open your browser on the following path:

Version 2.3 ( 10-05-2021 )
- Fixed bugs
Version 2.2 ( 24-04-2021 )
- Send receipt and report to patient via email
Version 2.1 ( 09-04-2021 )
- Flexible reports ( colors , font size, font type )
V 2 (14-03-2021)
- Added report barcode print and filter for reports
- Added filter receipts and reports by date range
- Added settings to change font type and font size
- Added a footer for the report
- Added electronic sinature for reports
- Added doctor commission
- Added doctor balance and payment
- Added doctor accounting report
- Added import and export patients
- Added import and export doctors
- Added import and export tests and cultures prices

V 1.2 (13-01-2021)
- Added RTL for rtl languages ( ar , fa )

How to install the update ?

Replace files in the following pathes:
1- app/http/controllers/HomeController.php
2- resources/views/layouts/auth.blade.php
3- resources/views/partials/head.blade.php

Upload or add the following files
1- database/migrations/2021_01_07_055724_add_direction_to_languages_table.php
2- public/css/rtl.css to css/rtl.css
3- public/css/auth_rtl.css to css/auth_rtl.css

Run the following command:
php artisan migrate

V 1.1 (29-12-2020)
- Fixed edit group test bug
- Fixed edit report bug

How to install the update ?

Replace files in the following pathes:
1- app/http/controllers/admin/GroupsController.php
2- app/http/controllers/admin/ReportsController.php
3- app/Models/Test.php
4- app/Models/CultureOption.php
5- app/Models/GroupCultureOption.php
6- app/Models/GroupCulture.php
7- app/Models/GroupTest.php
8- resources/views/admin/groups/create.blade.php
9- resources/views/admin/groups/edit.blade.php

V 1.0 (8-12-2020)
- Fixed installation bug
- Fixed group tests bug
- Fixed QRCode login bug

How to install the update ?

Replace files in the following pathes:
8- resources/views/admin/groups/create.blade.php
9- resources/views/admin/groups/edit.blade.php

V 0.0 (18-11-2020)
Initial version